Monday, January 30, 2006

Another weekend has gone by, and another Monday has taken it's place. Today promises to be a boring day. Nothing is going on. I had a history test today. I do not know what I made yet, but I think I did well. Yesterday I went and played basketball at the highschool, which was pretty fun.

My friend, Jediah's operation is today. I hope everything is going well so far and that the tumor is not cancerous.

Today is kind of cold, but it is not windy or cloudy so that makes up for it being cold. I have to do my paper route today and I will probably go to the library to drop off some books and maybe pick some up. As ya'll know from reading my information segment, I really like Sherlock Holmes, so that is what I will probably get.

On Saturday I went to my friend Andrew's house, and played video games and wrestled on the trampoline. I, of course, won at both things. Actually, I really did not win at anything. Well I do not have anything else to say, so goodbye.

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