Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Come with me on a magical journey through the park and to the library. Just a reminder to everyone, please keep all hands and feet in vehicle at all times.

This picture is of a baseball field where lots of baseball games are played.

Now we are in the library, look at all of the books but be quiet we do not want to get in trouble for being to loud.

Now we are outside the library and can see the outside of the library and a gazebo near by. How do you like the nice green tin roofs?

These next pictures are just places you would see walking through the park. Last, but not least is another baseball field but it is much bigger that the other ones. This is where the Sandies play.

Well I hope you enjoyed the tour and as always love, peace, and soul!


Mamaw 28 said...

I bet you could get a job on BLUE'S CLUES!!!
I do enjoy your blog. I can tell you have a good time with it.

Jocelyne said...

Dude, that was the funniest blog yet.

Jocelyne said...

How about you - when are you going to blog again?

Jocelyne said...

Only loser's don't blog.

Mamaw 28 said...

You are a very interesting blogger. Why did you quit??

Jocelyne said...

Were you kidnapped and nobody has gotten around to telling me?

Jocelyne said...

That's it - I'm putting out an Amber alert.

Glenda, saved by grace said...

Mason, are your fingers broken, have you got a case of writters (typers) cramp? I know it happens to the best of us, but get to bloggin boy! We miss hearing from you. Love , Peace , and Soul!

Bocephus said...