Monday, April 03, 2006

It is very cloudy here with just bits of sunshine getting through. It was a wonderful weekend though and maybe today will turn out okay.

We did as you have read on my moms blog go hiking at Palu Duro Canyon. I had a pretty fun time, well as much fun as you can have walking six miles. I did go off by myself like my mom told about in her blog but she did not do the story justice as I hope to right now.

As we started off walking on the trail I saw some guys walking up a mountain and standing on top. It looked pretty fun and I wanted to try it. I was not able to go right then but I will as we are coming back. So as we are coming back from the Lighthouse, the mountain that everyone walks to, and I ask my dad, if I walk over this mountain will I come out on the trail? My dad says yes and I start the climb over the mountain. It was a pretty easy climb except in some parts where it was a little slippery. I got on top of the mountain and start looking for a place to head down. I searched around for a little while and to tell you the truth I kind of felt like an indian and I liked it. Then I hear someone yelling for me and it turned out to be my dad. He had realized that it was not the right mountain and he had come up to tell me. Then the two of us search for a way down and find a place that looks reasonably easy . Well, we were wrong. It started out easy enough but then we hit a spot that did not have rocks on it and it was only dirt. It was really hard and yes, my dad was a little more than afraid. To tell you the truth I had to slap him a couple of times just so he would stop screaming. ....Okay, I am exaggerating just a little but it was scary. We finally make it down the hill and catch up with my madre and walk back to the truck. Well, that is it for me so love, peace, and soul.


Bocephus said...

I was afraid the absolute terror you experienced on the mountain would affect your memory. I hope that in a few days the fog will lift and you will realize the debt you owe me for bringing you back in one piece.

Anonymous said...

I think u made a serious mistake!"A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain."is not from Mark Twain!!!! it is said by Koh ( Kaw ) Hong Beng .   u should be responsible for what you write