Thursday, January 25, 2007

Obesity is now a disease and a handicap in America. Obesity has become rampant because of our access to food, which is not a bad thing, but peoples lack of self control is bad. As you all know I work at Sonic and all day I see people just eating themselves into their grave. Extremely obese people getting ice cream, cheeseburgers, oh and a diet coke. Handicapped parking spaces are now available to overweight people who can't walk, but do these people seem at all phased by their weight? Sure they probably feel sorry for themselves at times but never enough to change their habits and repent from their gourging of food. If these people choose to eat like this and live their life that way that is fine with me, but not when they start complaining about how they can't do anything about it. If there really is a problem with their body then they deserve help, if they dont have a problem then it's not our problem. The goverment forces a lot of taxes on us, and it has to do that to keep up with all of the areas we think they are responsible for. Through our taxes we pay for operations for obese people who can't pay for it themselves. Even Social Security is an example of the lack of self control among the American people. If the government did not make people save then a lot would be dirt poor by the time they could not support themselves, and some would save and be very well off in their retirement. Practice self control and you will be very glad you did. Love, Peace, and soul

P.S. People continue to eat Sonic, I like getting paid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very insightful post - AMEN brother!