Friday, January 27, 2006

Hello everyone, it is another Friday and I am doing good. Today has been a nice day so far, just a little windy though. I just got through doing my paper route, and I also got paid today.

Well school went alright today, and I passed my English test with an eighty-five. You know how in my last blog I had said I was going skiing? Well, that is not going to happen. My mom just came and told me we were not going. She said my dad, who was supposed to be taking me, had to work, so we are not going skiing. Oh well, no biggie.

I can not believe that it has not snowed here. It usually always snows in the winter. It has not even snowed a little. I went to a homeschool group today where a bunch of kids get together who are homeschooled, and just mess around. Today I played pool, and catch with a frisbee. One of the kids who goes there has found out that he has a tumor in his head. He is going to the hospital on Monday to have brain surgery. They do not know whether it is cancer or not, but he is going to be in surgery for five hours.

Well that is about all I have to say, so as always love,peace, and soul.

1 comment:

Jocelyne said...

oh, that sucks you can't go skiing - hopefully you'll go sometime soon this season.
Is your friend with the tumor the one I met over Christmas? I hope he is ok. Have a great weekend!