Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Well, hello everyone. It's just another day,with nothing else to say, but hey it is a glorious day!

Not much to do today, except my paper route and then I do not know. This Saturday I am going skiing, and I like to ski. I don't know how much fun it is going to be since there has not been much snowing going on here, but I don't know how it is going to be there. Hopefully, there will be plenty of snow.

I just got through eating a sandwich if anyone really cares what I ate, but this is my blog so I guess ya'll will just have to live with it.

I did not have a real busy day at school, just a few quizzes. On Friday though I have an English test and English is not one of my strong subjects. We just got through reading the book Julius Caesar. It is a pretty good book. It was not really written as a book though. It is more like a play. The book was still pretty interesting, and I really enjoyed reading it. Well that is it for me and always remember love, peace, and soul.

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