Thursday, March 16, 2006

War, terrorism, and mass killings, all of these things have happened at one time or another and are supposedly caused by man. But is this really true? Yes, man is doing what he wants to do, but God is the supreme being. Man is the creation of God, and we are all really just puppets in God's master plan. Man does not cause war, or terrorism, or mass killings, he is used to start these things and these things bring thousands of deaths. You cannot help but wonder, how can God do these things. How can this loving God kill thousands of people, and then it hits you, to punish them of course. When the hurricane on New Orleans happened I would bet that at one time everyone had thought that maybe it was a punishment. I believe that in New Orleans God was dishing out his judgement and punishment. People who do not believe this tell me the reason. They, like everyone else on this earth deserve punishment and it just so happened that it was Gods plan that it happened to them. Some of those people that died went to heaven and others went to hell. God used it to bring his people to heaven and those of them that were not his people, to hell. All of these things are of and by God, true God uses men, but we are really just puppets in Gods plan.

For more info on this subject, you can read this article.

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