Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Another beautiful day here in Texas with the sun shining and almost no wind. Pretty good day at school, not really that much to do. Just a quiz and a book report, but since my mom is at work I have not taken my quiz yet.

I really do not have that much to talk about today. Besides that I have to go do my paper route today, which is not that hard.

Oh, well I forgot to tell ya'll yesterday in my blog, but over the weekend we painted my room. It is kind of a baige color, which was not my choice but it does look nice. Before we started painting, I had to take all of my stuff off of my walls and shelves, and move everything away from the walls so we could paint. This part was not that bad, it was when I had to put all of the stuff back that was the pain. Everything was really dusty and I had to wipe it all off, and then put all of the stuff back where it was. It took forever, but I think it was worth it because it looks a lot nicer. Well, that is about it for me so love, peace, and soul.


Jocelyne said...

Ok - we got the point - you didn't have to say it 3 times!

Mason said...

Sorry just a typo.