Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I had a very short day in school today. I do not know why it was so easy today, but I am glad that it was because it was a relief time from my tests that I had to study for yesterday.

It looks like it is going to be a nice day with the sun shining again. I really can not believe that it is winter. It seems like spring almost.

I know the Superbowl was played about two weeks ago, but I have to bring something up. I truly think that the Seahawks could have won if the referees would have done a better job. The refs have a hard job especially when they are reffing the Superbowl, but they are expected to make the right calls. I understand that they are probably getting a lot of flack from those bad calls and I feel bad for them, but what makes me not feel bad for them is this: When the head ref Bill Levy comes on television and tells everyone that the game was reffed fairly. That is a complete lie, he is just trying to justify himself when he knows that there were some definite mistakes during the game. I understand that it would be really hard to admit that you blew some calls during the Superbowl, but don't insult everyone's intelligence by saying the game was reffed fairly. Well that is my take on the Superbowl. So love, peace, and soul.


Rudy said...

Mason I think that the superbowl was a good game, and the refs did a very good job...If Pittsburg played them again they would win!!!! You must like the other team but they are not very good...


Jocelyne said...

Oh Rudy - I have to disagree. YEs, maybe Seattle wouldn't have won - but it made some definite changes to the game in Pittsburg's favor. They got 7 points they shouldn't have gotten!

Anonymous said...

There were actually two things that that lead Pittsburgh on to win. One was that the Seahawks receiver did not make a touchdown when he should have. The second thing was when the Pittsburgh quarterback made a touchdown we he should not have made. I was even going for the Steelers, but I noticed those two things that cost the Seahawks the game.