Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Well my plan did not work as I would have liked it to. (See yesterday's blog) I had set my alarm for 6:15 because the neighbors usually leave at 6:30 and I did not want to miss them. So when I woke up this morning I looked out of my window and they had not left yet, I laid back down and was going to wait for them when I heard a beeping noise. I knew that meant the bus was backing up and they were leaving. Well I hurried and opened my blinds and got my camera, but by the time I was ready to take the picture they were driving by, and I did not get a good picture. Tomorrow morning I will try again, and will try to perfect my plan.

Well today is a nice day, and it is not windy. That is good because I had to mow our yard today and the wind would have blown all the dust everywhere. It was really dusty today mowing the front yard because I was having to mow it very short and the mower was stirring up all of the dust on the ground. I am glad I got it done now though and it looks pretty good.

My weekend is all planned out. I will go to my grandparents house on Saturday and stay until their anniversary. I do not really like being at their house on Sundays because when we go to church, the preacher always asks if there are any special requests or announcements to make. This does not seem too bad, but then my grandparents announce that I am there, to the whole church. This is kind of embarrasing, but I guess they like to tell people their grandson is visiting. Well that is it for today so love, peace, and soul.


Jocelyne said...

What if your plan backfires? What if the bright light blinds the driver and she drives into a pole or a yard or a house or something? Then you will be to blame and might have to go to court and then to jail. I would really miss you - but while you are gone can I borrow your dirt bike? You are a great brother, thanks!

Mamaw 28 said...

Grandparents love to show off their wonderful grandchildren. Your a wonderful grandson. Just smile and say Thank you. :0) Grandchildren are a grandparents pride & joy.
I sure am sorry I won't get to see you next week when I'm in Dalhart but I know you will be having a good time!

Mason said...

I had actually thought about that happening to the driver. I was kind of worried that might happen, but I don't think the flash is going to be that bright.

I am going to miss you completely Aunt Mary, but I hope you have a good enough time with just my mom and dad.