Thursday, February 02, 2006

Quiet day today at school,nothing is really going on. I had two quizzes today, but I have not taken them yet. The reason is because my mom is off selling her motorcycle. Yes, my mom has a motorcycle. She has had it for about five years or so and has decided to sell it. My dad also has a motorcycle, but his is not as cool as hers. I think it would have been a good idea to sell his motorcycle and keep hers. Maybe that would not have been a good idea, but hers is cooler, and I would have kept it.

Well no more news on my friend's operation. His parents and he probably know now, but I do not. I will probably know tomorrow since Fridays are the days everyone gets together. So someone in the group should know. I might be mistaken, but I think tomorrow we get to go eat pizza for Valentines day. I am probably wrong, but I hope it is tomorrow.

Busy day tomorrow. I have a math test, and I do not know how well I will do. I also have four quizzes tomorrow. So I am in for a lot of studying tonight. Well that is it for me so love, peace, and soul.

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