Monday, February 27, 2006

Today was another beautiful day here in Texas. It was so warm and nice,and tomorrow it is supposed to be about the same but it might be windy. I really hate it when it is windy, and when it is windy here, it is REALLY windy.

Today I went and worked with a neighbor on her yard. I cleaned out flower beds for about an hour and a half and got paid $10. Big bucks huh? Well it is good enough for me because when I give most of my money to my mom for the computer I'm saving up for, I don't have much left for spending, so it was really nice.

Tomorrow morning I am going to be playing a little trick on my neighbors. Every morning around 6:30 a.m. the kids across the street get up and go to school. They do not go to school here, but go in another town. For some reason their mom drives the school bus to the town and picks up other kids to go. So in the morning when they drive past my window I am going to open the blinds and take a picture of them as they drive by. This will be kind of funny to me because as they drive by all of the sudden they are going to see this bright light and it will be a little confusing. My mom thinks I am a little weird for doing this, but I will put the picture on here if it turns out good. Well that is it for me so love, peace, and soul.

1 comment:

Rudy said...

I am glad that you are saving for a computer..Every ten dollars help before you know it you will have all the money...more later