Thursday, February 16, 2006

Well, I have lived through another night and I am able to see this wonderful day here in Texas. Isn't it kind of weird to think that any minute you might die? It is kind of laughable actually to think about it, because we look at all the vaccines that man has made and the new surgeries that one can go through, but it is funny that germs and diseases are able to mutate (I don't really get how) and still kill people. I like to think that this is God's way of showing man that he is not as smart as he thinks. It was like this during the Hurricane Katrina when people were wanting to stay at their houses, but at the same time there was actually fire on top of water. This was probably because of some chemical on the water, but I think that that is just Gods way of saying GET OUT OF NEW ORLEANS. This is just another way of showing man he is not that powerful.

Well up at the top is yes, a picture of me dunking the basketball. The picture did not turn out as I would have liked so I will not try to fool ya'll and tell ya'll that it is a ten foot goal. Which I was going to try and do if it had worked out. Well that is about all for me so love, peace, and ssssssssoooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuullllllllllll.

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