Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Well as you all know I went to the Texas vs Texas Tech basketball game last night and it was a good game. The bad part about the whole thing was that we did not get back until about two o'clock a.m. and I had to get up at seven-fifteen this morning for school.

School went okay today, but I am dreading tomorrow. I have a chemistry test, and a verses exam plus two quizzes. During my school year I have to memorize verses for my bible class, and after every semester we have a test over all of the verses I have learned. Hopefully it won't be so hard, but I don't know about my chemistry test. I will just have to study hard tonight and get through them.

Well I will be through with this school year in a few weeks I think, but this also means final exams. These final exams are over what I have learned this whole year. Usually, my teachers have big reviews a class or two before the big exams, so those will help me alot. Well that is it for me, so as always love, peace, and soul.

1 comment:

Jocelyne said...

I can't believe you didn't post any pictures of the game or your trip! I heard Texas won today at work