Monday, February 20, 2006

Well I know that most of you will at one time read my mom's blog, and find out for yourselves what happened and I think I better take sometime and tell about it. So after her blog you will know that I have cheated in school on things, and I deeply regret it. It was a terrible thing to do, and if I could take it back I would a million times over. I guess I thought that it would be a lot easier just to cheat and be lazy and never study, but that is not the way to go. I know my parents probably think that I cheated from the beginning, but I did not. They can not believe what I say because now they think that I am just a liar and a cheat, and can not tell the truth. When I first started homeschooling I had thought that it might be kind of fun to do, but after a few months I knew then that it was really hard. Going from public school to homeschooling was very challenging. Homeschooling is very hard, or rather it is a lot harder than public school. I was really not making very good grades, and I knew that all the time I would have to study. I tried that way and I actually started doing alright. After a while of this I really got tired of it, and started hating having to study this much. So then I cheated and I found out that it was a lot easier this way. After I had cheated I felt really bad and I was always nervous about being found out. I don't know why but I did cheat some more. After this I tried to stop and I did, until I had taken all of my semester exams and had only a chemistry test left. I did not think that I could pass so I cheated. Then my mom caught me, and from then on I have not cheated since. It has been really hard, but I have made it and I am doing alright. I do not want people to read this and think that I am still making excuses, or to fell sorry for me. I write this with a sincere heart to let you know what I really am.


Glenda, saved by grace said...

Well Mason, I think this blog is proof of the fact that we as humans are totally depraved! When faced with a decision to cheat or not to cheat, we know the right thing to do would be NOT to cheat, but ..the key is in the drawer, and I could do it and nobody has to be the wiser...But God see's all, knows all ,hears all, and ultimatly you've only cheated yourself. You chose sin,you hurt yourself, you sinned against God,and your parents, which is not a surprise. Knowing the answers and learning and solving the problems help you to prepare for the next big test, and if you havnt learned (if youve cheated) it starts to be like a snowball effect, you get totally tangled up in lying, cheating, and never learning anything. I thank the Lord that you did get caught before you got too far behind.Let this be a life lesson for you, never forget the dreadful feeling dishonesty caused you, learn from this mistake and it wont be in vain.Your mom and dad are still gonna love you, it may take some time to rebuild that trust, but you will. Just never forget this, and I'm sure you'll be a better person in the end, not because you cheated , but because you got caught cheating!
I love you,
Aunt Gendy

Bocephus said...

I said the things I wanted to say about what you have done Yesterday. What you did is no more or worse than what I have done. I dont want you to feel guilty. I want you to recognize what you have done and learn from it and go on. I think you are sincere. I forgive you. I wont forget for awhile but I believe you are a much better guy than what these actions show. A persons character is so very important. We make mistakes. God willing you wont make this one again. I would encourage you to read Solomon's Proverbs. God has filled this book with instructions for living and I think it shows how important He considers a man's character.
I love you,

Bocephus said...

One other thought. There may be those who would make lite of this event. But if they convey that to you they shouldnt be counted among those who love you.

Rudy said...

To my little friend Mason, I know you feel bad for what you have done, and I know that we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God...But just remember that what ever you do your Dad and Mom will love you...Gods give you what you need..